How to Create and Run C Projects In Visual Studio Simple
How to Create and Run C Projects In Visual Studio (Simple) • Greetings, in this tutorial we shall be looking at how to create/set up a C project in Visual Studio. We all also look at how to run a C project in Visual Studio. • This method to make and Run a C project/file in visual studio is really quick and simple to do if you already have Visual Studio with C++ set up. If you don't have Visual Studio with C++ set up, you will need to do so before this tutorial. This works as C can be compiled using a C++ compiler as C++, in simple words, is an extension of C. The next itteration of C if you will (hence the name C++). • Thanks for watching this quick tutorial on how to create a C project in visual studio for programming and also how to run a C file in Visual Studio. • Subscribe to keep notified when I upload: • How to Create and Run C Projects In Visual Studio (Simple)