Wearing your Carpal Tunnel Dynasplint® System
Video Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tevbLPzGWDk
http://www.dynasplint.com/ Wearing your Carpal Tunnel Dynasplint® System; The Dynasplint® Carpal Tunnel System is a simple, non-surgical treatment method for treating carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Multiple research studies have demonstrated that the transverse carpal ligament is a distensible structure which elongates in response to sustained load bearing and/or osteopathic manipulation,* resulting in clinical improvement of CTS patients.* By applying our low-load, prolonged-duration stretch (LLPS) technology to the transverse carpal ligament, the carpal tunnel expands thereby relieving the pressure on the median nerve. Our unique System is comfortable to wear and adjusts to fit most hand sizes. Best of all, successful treatment with a non-surgical approach results in less suffering, less time off work, and significant medical cost savings.