Foster Kittens Meet The Bengals


After a safe quarantine period, FIV/FELV tests and a vet exam, the kittens were ready to explore more of the house AND meet the rest of our crew. Its safe to say that Max is VERY excited about his new friends. Mia, she likes to watch them from a distance and hopes for more snacks, but they are all doing really well! • *Any proceeds from the foster kitten videos are donated back to the rescue they came from! • Subscribe! • Instagram @Meadowcrew • Facebook Page • Twitter: • Watch our daily vlogs for more • Pet Meadow • PO Box 518 • Castle Rock, CO 80104 • The Pet Meadow Crew: • Mia is our 6 yr old spotted bengal, born 2/19/2011 • Max is our newest addition, born 10/2015 • Reece is our ever patient lab, she will be 4 in May/2017. • Adding to the chaos is our toddler Adeline :) • Bengal Cat Tips: • Bengal cats are quite stunning and exuberant fun cats, but they are definitely NOT for everyone. I am a stay at home mom who daily participates in exercising and entertaining our crew. We accept that we need lots of cat trees and no expensive furniture. They do much better in pairs having a fellow bengal to wrestle, chase and romp with of similar energy level. Bengals can sometimes be overwhelming to other non active cats. A bored bengal is a bengal in trouble!! Do your research and if you truly decide a bengal is right for your family, then find a good responsible breeder and spay and neuter your new kitten! Otherwise, just enjoy the fun videos of bengals :) • Passed on to the Rainbow Bridge: • Dexter (Orange devon/shorthair x) - 18 yrs passed in Aug 2016 (possible heart failure) • Bayou (marble bengal boy) - ~ 17 yrs old passed in Sept 2015 (cancer) • Cosmo (grey tabby) - 18 yrs old passed in 2013 (kidney failure) • Asia (spotted bengal) - 2 yrs old in May 2011 (feline dysautonomia) • They are all greatly missed and loved


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