SI Joint Stretches amp Exercises
Sacroiliac Joints (or SI Joints) are a pair of symmetrical bony bumps that connect the sacrum and hip bones. • Some SI joints move too much (hypermobility), others move too little (hypomobility). • In both cases, it hurts. • Sacroiliac Dysfunction is a chronic condition and there is no magic cure that can guarantee permanent results. • You can keep taking pills or run to a chiropractor every time your SI joint is acting up, or you can learn how to self-adjust and stabilize your SI joints with specific stretches and exercises. • The Pelvic Clock® workout helps to reset and stabilize your SI joints in three steps: • 1- Identify the tight side of your pelvis and the weak side of your core. • 2- Stretch tight Hip Flexor and Quadratus Lumborum muscles. • 3- Strengthen weak Transversus Abdominis, Internal obliques, and Gluteus Medius muscles. • • For more information, please visit: