NISM Exam Preparation Mutual Fund Mock Test All Units 1 nismexampreparation
NISM Exam preparation is a objective of these video series. These videos will help you for NISM Exam Preparation in hindi language. • We have discussed nism exam question paper with answers as mock test. • 0:00 Introduction • 1:32 investments are classified as long term if the investments are sold after a holding period of • 5:16 Standardisation is least in the case of • 6:35 If second violation is proved then AMFI registration is • 8:57 Which among the following is not a credit rating agency • 10:55 The appointment of RTA is done by the AMC. • 11:32 Scheme auditor is appointed by the AMC. • 12:07 AMC auditor is appointed by the • 13:02 The Custodian is appointed by the trustees. • 13:35 Prior approval of SEBI needs to be taken, before a person is appointed as Mutual Fund Distributor • #nism5a #nismexampreparation #nismmutualfund #nism #mutualfund