>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=-0djbHCIdlA
DÓNAL ÓG - this song has many versions throughout the country. The truly beautiful and poignant words tell the tragic tale of a lost love. Dónal made and broke promises to a former lover, taking east, west, the moon, the heart and even God from her. • It is one of the loveliest and most moving songs I have ever heard. • In 2006 I heard a broadcast on RTÉ Radio 1. In it an old singer from Dublin was being interviewed. I do not remember his name. What I have not forgotten, however, was his belief that a song is never sung by the singer - it is the song itself that sings the singer. • Listening to this great song being sung so wonderfully by Liadan makes me feel that not only does it sing the singer, it also sings the hearers - the magic's unique. • Now scroll down for the text in Irish followed by my own translation in English. • DÓNAL ÓG • A Dhónaill óig, má théir thar farraige, • Tabhair mé fhéin leat 's ná déan do dhearmad. • Beidh agat férín lá aonaigh 's margaidh, • Gus iníon rí Gréige mar chéile leapan agat. • Gheall tú dhomsa ach rinne tú bréag liom, • Go mbeithfeá romham ag cró na gcaorach. • Lig mé fead ort is dhá chéad béiceach, • Ach ní bhfuair mé aon fhreagra ach na huain ag méileach. • Thug mé grá dhuit is mé beag bídeach, • Chuir mé barr air is mé mór millteach. • Niorbh é sin an grá a thug an t-uan don chaora, • Ach grá buan daingean nach féidir a scaoileadh. • Siúd é an Domhnach a dtug mé grá dhuit, • An Domhnach díreach roimh Dhomhnach Cásca. • Is tú ar do ghlúin ag léamh na Páise, • 'Sea bhí mo dhá shúil a' síorthabhairt grá dhuit. • Bhain tú thoir agus bhain tú thiar dhíom, • Bhain tú an ghealach gheal is an ghrian dhíom. • Bhain tú an croí a bhí i lár mo chléibhe dhíom, • Agus is rímhór m'fhaitíos gur bhain tú Dia dhíom. • (Amhránaí: Elaine Cormican ón ghrúpa, Liadan) • • YOUNG DONAL • O Donal Og, if you cross the ocean, • Take me with you and do not forget. • From fair day and market you'll have a portion • And the Greek king's daughter will share your bed. • You promised it but to me you were lying, • You'd be before me where the sheep were keeping • I whistled and yelled for you, two hundred cryings, • But all I heard were the young lambs bleatings. • I gave you love when I was small and tiny, • I gave you more when I was big and mighty, • Not the love of the lamb for the sheep, • But an enduring love that was yours to keep. • It was a Sunday on the day I fell for you, • It was on the Sunday before Easter Day. • You were on your knees the Passion reading, • And my two eyes clung to you with love for aye. • You took what is before me and what is behind me, • And the bright sun and the moon you have truly taken. • You have taken the heart out of my bosom's cradle, • And God Himself, if I am not mistaken. • ********************* • Seo leagan sa Bhéarla le amhránaí eile / here is a version in English by another singer: • • Packie Byrne Bonnie Shaljean: Donal Og • ********************* • To buy the CD go to: • www.liadan.ie • There you will find that they have issued two CDs. It is their first, 'Irish Traditional Music and Song' that has this song. • In addition to 'Donall Og' the CD also has two other great traditional songs in Irish: • 'Amhran Mhuinse' ( • Amhrán Mhuínse / The Song of Muínis -... ) and • 'An Spailpín Fánach' ( • AN SPAILPÍN FÁNACH - LIADAN ). • You will not regret having this magnificent album. • For the origin of the name 'Liadan' go to: • www.answers.com/topic/liadain