Another the best TEPACHE recipe
Ingredients: pineapple, water, sugar, spices. • The specific spices I used - cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, chili. • • Feel free to ask questions, they will be answered eventually. • • I filmed this months ago and didn't really like the video so never uploaded it. Watched it again today and I think it's not so bad. • • Here's the link to the pineapple beer video I talked about • How to make pineapple beer It's not a great video but it's a great tasting drink. I will have to get around to making some more of that. I remember walking alone to the cinema, already drunk, with a 1.25L bottle of this stuff in each hand because someone gave me a free ticket to see Transformers 4. It is the only time I ever left a movie theater half way through a movie. Don't watch transformers 4. • • We currently do have a small backlog of videos that need to be edited and uploaded. Sorry about my slow speed. • • Love you all.