NHSBT Team Give Blood
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Meet the NHSBT's Team Give Blood celebrity captains - Gary Lineker, Sarah Beeny, Jayne Torvill, Graham Bell, Greg James, Rachel Riley, Twin B and Saira Khan are encouraging the nation to boost blood stocks by 30% in time for a busy summer of sport. Here they share their thoughts on giving blood and their connection to the cause. • For more information about how you can take part http://blood.co.uk/team-gb/ • Subscribe To NHS Give Blood Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/2hLHGf9 • Like NHS Blood Donation on Facebook HERE: http://bit.ly/2h1AgD2 • Follow Give Blood NHS on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/2hQLzwo • We need over 6,000 blood donations every day to treat patients in need across England. Which is why there’s always a need for people to give blood. • Each year we need approximately 200,000 new donors, as some donors can no longer give blood. • Find your local donor centre and book your appointment today. • Visit: https://www.blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 23 23