Kmeans clustering how it works
Learn how to add or modify a user's access code for E-Plex 2000, 3000 and 5000 electronic pushbutton locks in this short video. • 1. In this video we’ll show you how to Add or Modify a User Access Code for the E-Plex 2000, 3000 and 5000 series locks. For this procedure you must have a User Level of “Master” or “Manager”. • 2. First, put the lock into “Pushbutton Programming Mode” by pressing the “#” button, then the Master Code followed by the “#” button again. • 3. Enter command “1-0-0” followed by the “#” symbol. • 4. Enter the 3-digit User ID location number followed by # button. For this example we’ll use “0-2-3” followed by the “#” button. • 5. A User ID location is a 3-digit number assigned by the Master or Manager. Always maintain an accurate list of User ID locations and the users assigned to those ID locations. When programming locks have the list of User ID locations with you. • 6. Next, enter the User Access Code. Remember, this code must be between 4 and 8 digits. As an example we’ll use “1-0-2-4” followed by the “#” button. • 7. Now, confirm the User Access Code by entering the number again; “1-0-2-4” followed by the “#” button. • 8. Here is the complete entry of the example: “100#023#1024#1024#”. • 9. Press the “#” button again to exit out of Programming Mode. • 10. At this point the User Access Code has been modified or added and the procedure is complete. Be certain to write the code down and keep it in a safe place