Calvin Wilkerson The Fox McCloud Album Full Album

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • • LIFE IN 1971... • When Carole King's Tapestry came out in 1971, bread did not exist. All people ate was mustard and Beanee Weenee. People put mustard on Beanee Weenee, people put Beanee Weenee on mustard. This was what people did in 1971. People were very tired and lonely. When Carole King's Tapestry came out in 1971, all women and many men were wearing burlap. Most people were very tall. All movies in 1971 were either musicals or westerns or a combination of the two. • In 1971, people listened to music on the hot and funky Wilcox Gay Coin Recordio. People would sing into this machine and it would record and they would then be a star. There were also a series of television programs and movies that involved this machine. Carole King's Tapestry was the first album recorded on a Wilcox Gay Coin Recordio. For this, many people believe it to be the greatest album ever. A song from Tapestry, I Feel the Earth Move was the first song ever to be heard on the radio. Every single song on Tapestry is considered a classic. Even the ones she did not write. Such was the impact of Carole King's Tapestry that it caused the entire world to turn a different color. The entire world is a different color now, a color between chartreuse and Ed Begley Jr.'s buttocks. • ...AND LIFE IN 2024 • Nowadays, we have vast array of food options. There is Chili's. There is uranium. There is uranium chili. There is burp pills. There is V8. • And we have so many choices for hearing music. It is played in elevators and played at concerts and sometimes played in concerts that occur in elevators. Sometimes played in elevators that occur in concerts. Sometimes played in elevators that occur in concerts that occur in elevators that occur in elevators. Sometimes played in hell. • And Calvin Wilkerson's new album, The Fox McCloud Album, is the rightful sequel to Carole King's Tapestry. It is the rightful sequel to all things Carole King. He is the long lost progeny of Carole King. Wilkerson was abandoned at birth by his parents, Carole King and Frank Zappa, who had conceived him during a one-night stand in 1971. Zappa, unable to keep a straight face when he was around her, left her for a gorilla (to be more specific, for the gorilla on the cover of Weasels Ripped My Flesh.) King decided to abandon her son, fearing that the world might one day find out who his father was. Wilkerson grew up in an orphanage, where he was raised by other orphans. Every day they put him on a pole and pushed him into a pit of man-eating wolverines. One time they did it twice. • Wilkerson's life changed when he heard the holy word of Ed Begley Jr. Ed Begley Jr. told Wilkerson all about things such as: • Vanellope von Schweetz used to torture people at Guantanamo • Sonic Werehog transformation videos are the highest form of sex • Alton Brown oiled up and covered in raw meat is what all people want to see • Nowadays, his music is praise and worship to our lord and savior Ed Begley Jr., and to Carole King. On The Fox McCloud Album, he has combined all the best elements of Tapestry. It has all the best elements of that album. He says it's even better than Tapestry. He calls Tapestry the worst album ever made, and says his new album is even worse than that. This is the worst album ever made. In fact, it's the worst thing ever made. And that's a big difference. No other album has ever even come close to this being the worst thing ever made. Even if the entire world combined their efforts, they still wouldn't come close to this being the worst thing ever made. Every second of every day on every planet there are thousands of copies of this album being made. Sometimes even in elevators. Hail Satan. • SIDE A • 0:00 Alton Brown Oiled Up Covered In Raw Meat • 1:35 Raindrops On Vinyl II • 9:08 My Car Doesn't Have Brakes • 10:18 Meilin Lee On LSD • 17:13 Sex • 17:51 We Should All Eat Porken • SIDE B • 21:02 Took (Venti Iced Coffee For Carol) • 31:59 The Werehog Watusi • 33:59 Pt 3 (Horace Is Back) • 36:42 Steven Quartz Universe • Copyright 2024 Ashleigh Rowland Productions. All rights reserved. • All songs Calvin Wilkerson.


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