The Beatles Golden SlumbersCarry That Weight Take 13
On July 2nd 1969 Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr - John Lennon was recovering from a car crash at the time - recorded Golden Slumbers and Carry That Weight (on the Abbey Road LP these are two separate songs, but they recorded it as one piece) at Studio 2 of EMI Studios. • Paul was on piano and main vocals, George on electric bass and Ringo on drums. Take 13 was deemed as the best one on 15 takes. • On this one you can hear the take as it was recorded live in studio with different vocals from Golden Slumbers' chorus on. • The final version was make by editing this take and take 15 together, before moving to the overdubs, which were recorded on the following day. • #thebeatles #recording #abbeyroad #music #rare #goldenslumbers #outtakes