Galaxy S4 How to EnterExit Safemode quotSafe Modequot


In this video I show you how to get into as well as get out of Safe Mode. Remember while in Safe Mode all your third party apps will not be running/ will be disabled. Once you exit safe mode all your third party apps (the ones you downloaded) will reappear. • Safe Mode loads your phone in a diagnostic state (only preloaded apps and basic drivers are loaded, NO third party apps are loaded!) so you can determine if a third-party app is causing your device to freeze, lag, or malfunction other apps and functions. In other words if your phone was lagging, freezing or another app was malfunctioning or causing errors and then you have no issues when in safemode then you know its one or more of the third party app that you downloaded that is causing this. So you need to uninstall and/or re-download that particular third party app. • Let me know if any of you still have any questions or issues getting in or out of safemode. Thanks. • • Appreciate any Subs. Thank you. • FACEBOOK:   / iluvtrading   • TWITTER:   / virgilforex   • • Tags: deactivate, delete, stop, get out of, remove, stuck in safemode, how to start, safe mode, how to enable, disable, samsung, galaxy s4,


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