Working Whaling Shanties 1956 Moby Dick


Here we se BILLY RILEY and PADDY DOYLE being used in slightly diffrent ways that traditionaly sung. Billy Riley was a Long Haul shanty used for pulling up the topsl halyard and other 1-2 momentum type tasks. Here we see it used as a Roing Song. Likewise Paddy Doyle's Boots was a bunting shanty used for actions such as reefing or furling sail. Here we see it being used as a short drag shanty (which would be compleatly appropriate) ➡️. ⬇️KEEP READING OR HISTORY ⬇️ • Moby Dick is a 1956 film adaptation of Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick. This was based off the true story of the whaling ship ESSEX of Nantucket. The Essex was stove in by a whale and the crew that survived were forced to result to caniblism to survive in open row boats for months on end. Hermin Melleville who worked as a whlaer for one voyage himself compared whaling to going to war. With many moments of bordum followed by breif hours of extream exileration. • • Please help us grow this channel and share Maritime History with the world before it vanishes from our collective culture. Like and Subscribe! • You can get in touch with will at seasongsforsale @ gmail if you would like to purchase a physical CD Album of OF IRON AND CANVAS containing these songs and many more not avalible online. Fair Weather Shipmates ⚓️ • #seashanties #whaling #maritimehistory #nantucket #whalingmuseum


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