Citrus Valley High School Advanced Mixed Choir quotLumiere de Chansonquot
These group of individuals (Citrus Valley High School) from Redlands took NYC by storm collecting seven awards which made them the top choir by Judicator's p...
CVHS, Citrus, Valley, High, School, Heritage, Festival, NYC, New, York, Competition, A Cappella, Lumiere, de, Chanson, Lumrer de Chanson, Citrus Valley High School, Redlands, Black, Hawks, Black Hawks, Choirs, Clasicals, Champions, New York, Heritage Festival, California, So, Cal, SoCal, Southern, Southern California, IE, Inland, Empire, Inland Empire, Ave, Verum, Ave Verum, Philip, Stopford, Philip Stopford, Kimberly, Taylor, Kimberly Taylor, Grace, Before, Sleep, William, Tell, Overture, Choral