Instrument Practice IFR ATC Flows for CFII Lets Go Fly A Plane
Originally streamed October 17, 2024 • 5:15 - Greetings • 6:50 - Planning flight in SkyVector from KPTN (Patterson, Lousiana) to L83 (Thibodaux, Louisiana) via TBD (Thibadaux VOR) for VOR or GPS-A and back to KPTN for ILS 24 and RNAV 6 • 12:21 - IRL storytime (Day 1: personal flying--commercial maneuvers in 150 to practice being commercial CFI substitute + CFII practice with/without guinea pig) • 22:22 - Preflight • 29:39 - IRL storytime (monitoring standby frequency interferes with PCL) • 37:42 - Briefing first approach • 1:04:35 - Takeoff • 1:35:05 - ~10 miles to initial approach fix procedures • 1:57:15 - Minimums, runway not in sight , and going missed • 2:07:22 - Planning vectors for approach with chart • 2:12:52 - Attempting vectors • 2:18:52 - Finishing (attempted) vectors • 2:27:32 - Minimums, runway not in sight , and going missed • 2:44:14 - IRL storytime (mock written test with student) • 2:54:22 - Briefing approach/planning vectors • 2:58:18 - Attempting vectors • 3:06:13 - Finishing (attempted) vectors • 3:08:55 - IRL storytime (Sky Pirate--I F Arrrgh) • 3:12:40 - Minimums and straight-in landing • 3:16:46 - IRL storytime (Day 2: personal flying--IFR in the 150 including ILS to LOC + commercial maneuvers + 700th hour!, private student's first emergency procedures lesson ehehe; Day 3: rides for the public and studying; Day 4: personal flying--commercial practice in 172) • 3:26:26 - IRL storytime (continued--commercial maneuvers with constant-speed, higher performance 172 + private student's first local XC; Day 5: commercial instruction with CFII guinea pig) • 3:35:33 - Debrief with LittleNavMap • 3:43:20 - IRL storytime (continued--ending with fun flying with guinea pig + personal flying--172 commercial maneuvers more IFR practice)