Juguetes antiguos y populares de la infancia Fabricación artesana Oficios Perdidos Documental
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=-GiMrnM5uDw
The children, imitating their elders, collected the raw materials they found around them to make their own #toys. In the Huesca town of Albero Bajo, José María Ibor rebuilt for us in 2002 some of the toys with which he spent his childhood and which were an important part of #education and #society in the mid-twentieth century. #Documentary film • More complete #documentaries on lost trades, traditional construction, musical instruments, clothing, popular festivals, recipes, etc. on my YouTube channel: Eugenio Monesma and at www.documentalesetnograficos.es. • You can follow me on my Facebook page (@EugenioMonesma) and Instagram to find out about the channel's upcoming premieres, news and more information about the documentaries.