The Terrifying Truth about the United States Political System


If the United States motto United We Stand Divided We Fall... is a true statement, we had all better brace orselves for impact. With only 3 weeks until the 2024 presidential election, tensions in the US are at an all time high. Never before have the stakes been higher. And never before have the candidates been so absurdly horrific. • In the red corner, we have Donald Trump; an obviously narcissistic, megalomaniacal, man-child with a sordid history of fraud, scandal, and sexual misconduct that lkely includes underage victims. On top of all of that, there are numerous indicators that he seeks to position himself as figurehead of a totalitarian uniparty. Worse, there is ample evidence that there are greater powers above him that are intent on seeing this agenda through. Recently, he has gone so far as to suggest that he will initiate a purge of his opponents from governement and media, and even allow a Krystallnacht type event where citizens will be allowed to violently remove vermin from the US population. A frightening number of his supporters regard this vile creature as prophet sent by god to save humanity. • In the blue corner, we have Kamala Harris, AKA Kamaltoe Hairy@ss. Kamaltoe is sociopathic powerwhore, who famously slept her way up the political ladder. Her record as a prosecuter is unbelievably atrocious. Some of the most egregious bits include keeping a man she knew to be innocent on death row for 18 years, going so far as to say that he should remain on death row even if he is innocent, since he filed his paperwork too late. She defied a Supreme Court order to release thousands of nonviolent offendors on the grounds that they were providing free labor for the State (slaves), even illegally keeping some of these prisoners past their release dates. the reason for the Supreme Court injucntion was the fact that these prisons were so overcrowded that access to medical care was so inadequate that people were dying. Especailly considering that some of this deaths were inmates with short sentences that would have been released had she complied with the Court's order, Harris literally guilty of murder. She constantly lies about her middle class upbringing. Her family was extremely wealthy; they were at one time the largest slaveholders in Jamaica. And one pays there way through college working at McDonald's. I cuold go on...and on...and on. She is so despicable that her own father disowned her, not relenting even after she became the first female vice president. • So what do we do? the sad truth is that t doesn't matter. Both Trump and Harris are puppets of the same overlords. they are fed rhetoric designed not only to create the illusion of choice, but also to foment division. The situation is indeed dire, and the only possible solutions longshots, to put it mildly. But..forward we must go, one step at a time... • And that first step is ascertaining the truth, and accepting it, along with the burden of responsability that is bestowed on those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. • In tonight's Lightstream we will uncover many of the fingers of the hidden hand, and make an irrefutable case for our position that the US political system is entirely a farce, a poly-trick-all sh!tstem. • We are demonetized , so if you like the music or the message, you can Zelle or Paypal to [email protected] send crypto to 0xAD3741bB9F83B1b81F4b06f1fe834EbBFe694521 or Cash App: $illumignostic • Please like, share, subscribe, and if you would like to see more vids from us please support us on Patreon here:   / illumignostic   • Get in on the conversation here:   / illumignosis   •   / illumignostic   • For products and events:   / phoenixflamesrapae   • Blog: • Discord:   / discord   • #usgovernment #2024election #exposed #trump #democracy #politics #awakening #truth #independent #liberal #project2025 #kamalaharris #propaganda #fascism #changetheworld


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