Places to see in Poggibonsi Italy
Places to see in ( Poggibonsi - Italy ) • Poggibonsi is a town in the province of Siena, Tuscany, central Italy. It is located on the Elsa River and is the main centre of the Valdelsa Valley. The area around Poggibonsi was already settled in the Neolithic age, although the first traces of civilisation dates from Etruscan-Roman age, attested by a series of necropolises and by placenames such as Talciona or Marturi (from the Etruscan name of Mars). • The importance of the area dates from the 10th century, thanks to its position across the Via Francigena, the main road from Rome to France. At that time, the development of Borgo di Marte (later Marturi, Borgo Vecchio and then Poggibonsi) was started, a settlement whose origins are debated. Around 1010, Borgo di Camaldo appeared. In 1155 or 1156, the inhabitants of these and other nearby towns were moved by Guido Guerra, of the Guidi Counts, to a hill where a new settlement, Poggiobonizio, was established. In the 12th century, the Cathars had a major theological school in Poggibonsi. • The Palazzo Pretorio (late 13th century), with the annexed Torre del Podestà was the seat of the local government until the construction of the Palazzo Comunale in the 19th century. The lower floor, with the loggia, is travertine, while the upper section is brick and travertine. Since 1997, it has housed a palaeontological museum. The Church of San Lorenzo, built by the Augustinian order in Gothic-Romanesque style. In 1495, it was the seat of the meeting between Charles VIII of France and Girolamo Savonarola. • Santuario del Romituzzo: 15th-century oratory-sanctuary with campanile and portico housing a venerated image of the Madonna della Neve (Madonna of the Snows). Basilica of San Luccese Large Gothic church, built around 1252 over a pre-existing church of San Camaldo, traces of which can be seen in the façade and left wall. • The Fonte delle Fate ( Fairies' Spring ) is one of the few remains of the destroyed Poggiobonizio, from the early 13th century. It was discovered in 1803. Castello della Magione, once home of the Knights Templars, and then given to the Knights Hospitallers after the Templars were abolished in 1312, is on the Via Francigena. • In the frazione of Staggia Senese is a notable castle (Rocca), probably dating from Lombard times, which belonged to the Florentine family of the Franzesi from the 13th century. Castello di Strozzavolpe ( Castle of the Fox-Strangler ) is an ancient fortress of the Guidi family. According to legend, it was connected to Poggibonizio by a tunnel. San Martino a Luco romanesque Pieve church. • The Church of Sant'Andrea a Palapiano, one of the most notable Romanesque edifices in the area. Santa Maria a Talciona: 12th-13th century church with bas-relief (1234) in portal portraying the Adoration of the Magi. San Lorenzo in Pian de' Campi: church houses a 15th-century fresco by Pier Francesco Fiorentino. • ( Poggibonsi - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Poggibonsi . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Poggibonsi - Italy • Join us for more : • / @placestoseein3171 • • • / placestoseein87 • / placestoseein1 • • / places-to-see-in