Angry Birds Go Telepods 6 Exclusive Characters


This is the angry birds star wars telepods star destroyer game by hasbro. It comes with 10 figures and 6 of them are exclusive. The figures that are included are anakin skywalker (pod racer), droidica pig, emperor palpatine pig, darth vader pig, captain panaka pig, padme' amidala bird, jedi youngling bird, stormtrooper pig, luke skywalker bird (jedi), and zam wessell pig. • It also came with 7 star destroyer pieces and 20 blocks. • Besides playing with the game you can also use the figures and the telepods base to play with the angry birds star wars 2 app. The telepods base has a magnifying lens in it and the bottom of the figures have a micro or mini qr code on them. • There are over telepods 30 figures you can collect. The names of the figures are: luke skywalker bird (jedi), Luke skywalker bird (endor gear), Luke skywalker bird (pilot), mace windu bird, obi-wan kenobi bird, padme' amidala bird, princess leia bird, qui-gon jinn bird, r2-d2 egg, stormtrooper pig, tie fighter pilot pig, yoda bird, zam wesell pig, anakin skywalker bird (podracer), anakin skywalker bird (padawan), anakin skywalker bird (sith apprentice), battle droid pig, biker scout pig, boba fett pig, c-3po bird, captain panama bird, chewbacca bird, count dooku pig, darth maul pig, darth vader pig, droideka pig, emperor palpatine pig, general grievous, pig, han solo bird, jango fett pig, jar jar bunks bird, and jedi youngling bird. • Most of the Music Rocket by Kevin MacLeod ( • Subscribe! It's Free! • Find me on twitter at: •   / jeffmaratweets   • Friend us on facebook at: •   / 111759258954781   • See my other videos on youtube at: •    / jeffmara   • google + • • Don't forget to Subscribe!


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