Victorinox Compact 12 5 2023
The Victorinox compact is thought by many folks to be the ideal EDC pocketknife. Particularly for day-to-day urban lifestyles. It's a full 91mm package from Victorinox holding the tools one would need in an office, retail, food service, or many other urban or suburban lifestyle situations. I carry this one myself at times and can attest to the handy usefulness it provides when needed. It also serves quite well outside for fishing, hunting or camping. • #jeffmcgovern #pestcoach #camping #fishinggear #fishing #victorinox • #victorinoxcompact #swissarmyknife #edcknife #edctool #edc #bushcraft #campcraft #carving #woodworking #whittling #pocketknife #pockettool #officetool #foldingknife #canopener #bottleopener #nailfile