Toco Toucan Description Characteristics and Facts


The toco toucan (Ramphastos toco), also known as the common toucan or giant toucan, is the largest and probably the best known species in the toucan family. It is found in semi-open habitats throughout a large part of central and eastern South America. It is a common attraction in zoos. • The toco toucan has a striking plumage with a mainly black body, a white throat, chest and uppertail-coverts, and red undertail-coverts. What appears to be a blue iris is actually thin blue skin around the eye. This blue skin is surrounded by another ring of bare, orange skin. The most noticeable feature, however, is its huge bill, which measures from 15.8 to 23 cm in length, which is yellow-orange, tending to deeper reddish-orange on its lower sections and culmen, and with a black base and large spot on the tip. It looks heavy, but as in other toucans it is relatively light because the inside largely is hollow. The tongue is nearly as long as the bill and very flat. This species is the largest toucan and the largest representative of the order Piciformes. The total length of the species is 55–65 cm. Body weight in these birds can vary from 500 to 876 g, with males averaging 723 g against the smaller female, which averages 576 g. Among standard measurements, the wing chord is 22 to 26 cm, the tail is 14.1 to 17.9 cm and the tarsus is 4.8 to 6.5 cm. Other than the size difference, there are no external differences between the sexes. Juveniles are duller and shorter-billed than adults. Its voice consists of a deep, coarse croaking, often repeated every few seconds. It also has a rattling call and will bill-clack. • =================================================== • Follow me on Instagram: • Subscribe on:    / @animalsdescriptions   • =================================================== • This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: • • Source from Wikipedia under WP:CC BY-SA license • #toucan #tocotoucan #bird #animals #commontoucan


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