Awaken Your Curiosity Gemini New Moon All 12 Signs
Awaken Your Curiosity: Gemini New Moon All 12 Signs • On June 6th, 2024, we have a New Moon at 16° of Gemini. This new moon is perfect for planting seeds for intentions that involve all forms of communication, social events, and learning/exploring. New moons are a time of rebirth, clean slate and a time when we are given a chance to start fresh. • This New Moon in Gemini cycle presents opportunities to commit to your personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Twins. Gemini represents, all types of communication and travel. This will be a time to improve your communication skills by listening to others and enjoying their points of view. Focus on how much you really take in. Take time, to make more time to socialize and enjoy others–whether they are neighbors, friends, family, or acquaintances. Make time for connections and memories. This is a good time to find new avenues to express yourself and to learn by awakening your inner child with curiosity. Renew and refining your communication skills with writing, speaking, teaching, and listening skills. The sign of Gemini, is really activated right now for you to take in more information in smaller bites and nuggets. Gemini is curious and we will want to embrace technology, ai, being curious to expand your knowledge and interests. • 00:00 Intro • 3:11 Aries ♈ • 8:39 Taurus ♉ • 15:47 Gemini ♊ • 22:39 Cancer ♋ • 30:08 Leo ♌ • 36:41 Virgo ♍ • 42:18 Libra ♎ • 46:08 Scorpio ♏ • 51:07 Sagittarius ♐ • 56:45 Capricorn ♑ • 1:01:12 Aquarius ♒ • 1:06:00 Pisces ♓ • Places to Connect: • 🌞Website: • 🌞Facebook: / willowgracemystik • / willowgracemystik • 🌞Instagram: • 🌞Sign up for my newsletter here... • Ready for a Consult, Schedule Here! • Astrology and Tarot Consults: • I heart you!!! • All Rights Reserved. • Copyright, Liability Waiver and Disclaimers • Disclaimer: Please see the link for my disclaimer policy for all of our videos on the Willow Grace Mystik, Willow Grace Mystik YouTube channel. YOUTUBE DISCLAIMER | • #willowgraceastrology #Astrology #horoscope #astrologyreading #zodiac #zodiacsigns #gemininewmoon