【8 VOCALOID A capella】Senbonzakura 千本桜 【 カバー】
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=-MCvBgHuAog
READ MEH PLZ *Download, Credits, Production Notes, FAQ, and more below!* • Let's get to know each other! Join the community discord: discord.gg/atfuG9es7J • IT'S. FINALLY. HERE. • Okay so why did this take so freaking long? • 1) I'm a very busy person. • 2) I'm a perfectionist and I didn't want to put out a crap product. Honestly I'm still not entirely happy. Right now idk if I'm just too critical of my own work or it actually does not sound as good as it could. Toward the end I stopped trusting any and all personal judgement and got outside opinions. (Thanks Adam!) • 3) Unlike Bad Apple!! Acapella where everyone stuck to one particular part (melody, harmony, bass, etc...), here everyone is singing EVERYTHING. With all those part switches, dynamic control was tricky. Mixing and mastering was the most time consuming part of this whole thing... I did my best but I think as few parts are still kind of iffy. Ugh. Never again. My next acapella is going to be as straightforward as it gets! • But yeah some production notes: I did a LOT more editing on the vocals outside of Vocaloid than I did in Bad Apple. ALL the EQ! It ended up giving it a fuller sound, but I can't decide if I like that better than the natural sound of each Vocaloid. What do yall think? Also, methinks I need to work on tuning Rin and Len better. • Obligatory Disclaimer: I do not own the song, characters, or the cherry blossom video! I am not making any sort of profit from this cover. • ____________________________________________________ • CREDITS • Original: Kurousa-P • • Video • VSQ/Mixing: TheKawaiiHurts (Me) • Video: TheKawaiiHurts (Still Me) • Cherry Blossoms Loop Video: 4DSurreality (Not Me) • • cherry blossoms loop • Much of the instrumentals came from here: (as soon as I find the link again...) • Random English Lyrics (not so random): Kran (though I changed like 2 words) • • ☆ Senbon Zakura 千本桜 【English ver.】 kran* • ____________________________________________________ • TECHNICAL STUFF (Programs Used) • Vocals: VOCALOID 3 • Mixing/Mastering: FL Studio • Video (Waveforms): Adobe After Effects • Video (Everything else): Sony Vegas Pro • Singers (Top to Bottom) • Hatsune Miku • Megurine Luka • Kagamine Rin • Kagamine Len • Gumi • IA • Kaito • Gakupo • ____________________________________________________ • NicoNicoDouga Mirror: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23450730 • MP3: https://drive.google.com/drive/folder... • MY OTHER ACAPELLAS: • TheKawaiiHurts ~ A capellas ~ • ____________________________________________________ • FAQ • Q: What is this I don't even... • A: Vocaloid. A cappella. • Q: How'd you do this. • A: Virgin sacrifice... Sheet music helps :) Most of this was taken from sheets but there are some original parts in here. • Q: How'd you make the beatbox? • A: Gumi English. I just played around with the phonemes until I got a sound that I liked. Why English? More sounds. Why Gumi? Her inherent consonant choppiness made for a better drum set than Kaito or Luka. • Q: I think you're lying. I hear cymbals! • A: I discovered that by accident lol. It's really just a string of SHH,SHH,SHH,SHH. Seriously, every sound you hear in this video was made using VOCALOID. • Q: How do video? • A: The waveforms were done in Adobe After Effects. A few other editing things were done in Sony Vegas. Probably could have done it all in AAE but my computer hates running it and this was already taking enough time to finish. I need a RAM upgrade... • Q: Can I use this for an AMV/dance/cover/etc...? • A: Feel free! BUT PLEASE CREDIT. If you upload said thing somewhere please link back to this video. Also if you want, link me to your video. I want to see what you do :) • Q: Can I has VSQ? • A: No. Sorry, but you have no idea how much work was put into this ;_; Also, the dynamics are a nightmare and I wouldn't subject anyone to that. • Q: Can I upload this to other sites? • A: No. I'm putting it on NicoNicoDouga and just no to the other sites. But feel free to abuse the share button ;) • Q: Meiko? Wut about Meiko? U no love Meiko?! WHERE'S MEIKOOOOOOO!?!?!?!111!!! • A: I don't own Meiko....