Why Rampardos SUCKS pokemon
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Rampardos was introduced in generation 4 of Pokemon [Diamond and Pearl]. It has one of the highest attack stats in the series, only being surpassed by legendaries like Black Kyurem, Ultra Beasts like Kartana, and mega evolutions like Heracross. Despite that, Rampardos isn't very good in competitive play, so let's take a look at why. • Join this channel to get access to perks: • / @meplaysgames • Nidoran Tier - $2.99/month - Shoutout each video, exclusive let's plays and other gameplay videos, exclusive emotes for comments/stream chat • Join our Discord server: / discord • MEPlaysGames on Twitter: / meplaysgamesyt • Instagram: / meplaysgames_yt • Check out my other channels: • My Prize Garage: / @myprizegarage • Musical Pile of Garbage: / @matt-no7gg • Miles Per Game: / @milespergame2526 • Matt's Trash Can: / @mattstrashcan-yr6mj