Caring For Your Senior Dog
In this video I cover four important things to make life a little easier for your senior dog. Those four subjects are wellness, cognition, comfort, and mobility. • Getting old sometimes just sucks. There’s no way around that and what makes aging so much harder for pet parents is that we don’t get to grow old with our pets, we have to watch them grow old before our eyes until they are gone. For those of us that are suckers for pain, we do this to ourselves over and over again with multiple pets throughout our lifetime. Okay - in all fairness, the pain is totally worth the relationships we experience with our furry four-leggers. In my opinion, knowing that I provided the best life that I could for my animals and that we had a mutually beneficial relationship is what makes getting through the aging and loss process bearable. • To help you as a pet parent get through the aging process as well, I’ve compiled a few tips to consider when it comes to caring for your senior dog. You can continue reading this short but helpful article on my Medium page here: / four-things-to-make-life-a-little-easier-f... • You can find the dog booties mentioned in the video here: • You can find a dog bed similar to the one in the video here: • Dr. Kelly Baete is a veterinarian at Baxter Veterinary Clinic in Tega Cay, South Carolina. You can find her hospital on Instagram here: / baxtervet • WATCH NEXT: • ○ Furbo Review: How To Use It Is It Worth It? • Furbo Review: Behavior Consultant Giv... • ○ Canine CPR: What You Must Know: • How To Perform Canine CPR: What You M... • ○ The Perfect Walk: • The Perfect Walk • ○ How To Get Your Dog To Love The Muzzle: • Muzzle Training: How To Get Your Dog ... • ○ Know Before Adopting From The Shelter: • Know These Things Before Adopting You... • ○ How To Create Boundaries With Your Dog: • Video • BE THE BEST DOG OWNER POSSIBLE: • Fridays I send out an exclusive email with relevant things that I believe help you to be the best pet parent. They may include exclusive giveaways, chances to interact with me, books, toys, articles, health, videos and random things I've discovered to keep you updated on all things dog. • My “Best Owner Possible” emails are only available if you subscribe to my e-mail newsletter: • Whether you’re a life long dog owner or you're just getting your first dog, I ask that you subscribe to the channel so that I’ll always be right there with the educational materials you’ll need for a successful relationship with your canine companion. Thank you for supporting my channel! • COME SAY HI! • Web: • Instagram: / sara.ondrako • LinkedIn: / saraondrako • Twitter: / saraondrako • DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! • Our videos are about communication, behavior, health, training, and obedience skill work. This is so much more than dog training, this is about understanding your dog’s behavior and learning to communicate in a way that they understand.