How to Take Sukhasana The Easy notsoeasy Pose with Props
Join Jennifer French, E-RYT 500 and Yoga Teacher Trainer for a break down of Sukhasana or Easy Seated Pose. • While asana is the second half of the posture’s name and is defined as pose or seat, sukha translates to easy, comfortable, or even sweet. However, it’s the sweetness that’s often missing from the pose for many of us. In fact, dukkha, a word that we can translate as suffering, is usually much closer to our experience of the posture! • This short video explores some of the ways you can use props in Easy Seated Pose or Sukhasana. We'll explore using blankets, blocks, and even a strap! Let us know what you think. And if you have a favorite way of supporting your Easy Seated Pose, let us know in the comments below!! • To stay updated and for more videos like this, please subscribe to our page! • And if you'd like to read more about the posture, visit our website: •