BOTW MOD Divine Beast Vah Ruta Waterblight Ganon
In this episode of Zelda Breath of the Wild, we take on the challenge of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. After reaching Zora's Domain and obtaining Shock Arrows, we meet Prince Sidon at East Reservoir Lake, and with his help, we take down the Malice-controlled Vah Ruta, solving puzzles and defeating Waterblight Ganon in the process. We also wear deity armor for Linkle Mod, adding an extra level of challenge and excitement to the adventure. • ___________________________________________ • Social Medias • ➤Twitch: / rlpsychobear • ___________________________________________________ • Extra Tags: • #PsychoBear #ZeldaBreathoftheWild #VahRuta #WaterblightGanon #Puzzles #LinkleMod #DeityArmor #PrinceSidon #EastReservoirLake #ShockArrows #Cryonis