Withdraw Judgement
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=-bPKYNYYfFE
Matt 7:1-3 is true and it happens. When you judge someone, an equal judgement is registered against you in the heavenly court. That is where you are being judged from. This video introduces the idea of withdrawing judgements and what it will do for you. When Val did this - she started looking and feeling younger. • https://jchonline.courtsofheaven.ca • This excerpt is taken from the Justice and the Courts of Heaven online video course. You can learn more about it here: https://jchonline.courtsofheaven.ca • The course contains 54 videos, with downloadable audio MP3's and PDF notes. It's over 14 hours of instruction that will give you the knowledge and confidence to release the Justice of Heaven on the earth. • The content for the Courts of Heaven course came primarily from the personal experiences of Greg and Val Kurjata as they had spiritual encounters, studied the word of God, and experimented with, and proved out the revelation for over 7 years - before they ever taught it publicly. • Hundreds of students from around the world have enrolled and are making a powerful and profound difference in their lives and in the lives of the people and communities they love. • https://jchonline.courtsofheaven.ca • #jchonline