ETones Supermoon


Classic house mix from E-Tones! • If you're from the Minneapolis area, and you DJd in the 90's/00's, you most certainly bought records from Tony. • From being a Midwest rave staple to his residency at The Gay 90's, working downstairs at Let It Be Records, and then onto Vital Vinyl, Tony is Minneapolis House to his core. • A literal walking encyclopedia of house history, he was the go to guy for track IDs when I was cutting my teeth in the 90's, and he had a knack for not only pinning down the ID, but also pulling a used copy of the track from under the counter, on multiple occasions! • His mixtapes played a huge role in furthering my love for house, and are up there with my all-time personal favorites. • ***Tony is re-releasing many of his classic mixtapes, and they can be found at his online store (link below), along with his personal artwork! •


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