An indepth Owlet Smart Sock 2 amp Owlet Cam Review updated for 2019
The Owlet is a strange bird when it comes to baby monitors. It's got a sock, it's video capacity is extra, the list goes on. So, how does it stack up? We put on our ornithologist hats for this Owlet review. • The Owlet, which used to be more accurately called the Owlet Smart Sock 2, is now a complete baby monitor system with the Owlet Sock Cam combo, which provides video, audio, and the Owlet Sock's heart rate and O2 monitoring. You use a smartphone as the parent unit, and can get all the information from both the Cam and the Smart Sock 2 in the same app. • Links from this video: • Owlet Sock Cam bundle on Amazon: • Owlet Smart Sock 2 on Amazon: • Owlet Cam on Amazon: • Learn more about baby monitors at Fathercraft: • Fathercraft's Owlet Sock Cam review: • All of our baby monitor reviews: • *Affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you click a link and make a purchase.