Muzica romantica pentru indragostiti calmare si relaxare Romantic music for lovers
Buna tuturor! • Doresc astazi, sa va vorbesc despre iubire. Am imbinat in acest videoclip, scurte clipuri si imagini cu oameni indragostiti, cu oameni fericiti, cu oameni care se iubesc. Este un videoclip inchinat iubirii. Iubirea, cea mai puternica forta din Univers, cea care ingenuchiaza si cei mai puternici oameni. Iubirea, in numele ei s-au scris mii si mii de poeme, s-au scris romane, s-a compus muzica si s-au facut filme. Iubirea, cea care ne face atât de fericiti cand o avem, si ne distruge, cand o pierdem. Deschideti-va inimile si primiti-o! O inima care nu a iubit niciodata, este o inima seaca si traieste pentru nimic pe acest pamant. Nu lasati viata sa treaca, bucurati-va de toata frumusetea ei, si mai ales... iubiti! • Hello everyone! • I want to talk about love today. I combined in this video, short clips and pictures with people in love, with happy people, with people who love each other. It's a video dedicated to love. Love, the strongest force in the Universe, the one who kneels and the strongest people. Love, thousands and thousands of poems were written in her name, novels were written, music was composed and films were made. Love, the one that makes us so happy when we have it, and it destroys us when we lose it. Open your hearts and receive it! A heart that has never loved is a dry heart and lives for nothing on this earth. Don't let life go by, enjoy all its beauty, and especially ... love! • Music Tim Janis • Aici puteti gasi si alte videoclipuri. Here you can find others videos. • • Muzica romantica si relaxanta • Pentru orice problema, contactati-ma, va rog, pe mail. Multumesc! • For any problem, please contact me by mail. Thank you! • [email protected]