Apistogramma mendezi Breeding and Care
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=-nsOwfveCQ0
Hello Fellow Fish Keepers! • We have a great, and somewhat uncommon apisto (Apistogramma mendezi) that we wanted to share with you. It has nice color and doesn't get to big. I highly recommend them if you can find them. • Looking for tank mates? Check out these species profiles: • Bristlenose Pleco: • Bristlenose Pleco Care and Breeding • Clown Loach: • Clown Loach Species Profile • (Honey) Gourami: • Gourami Care - The Good | The Bad and... • If you want to see more behind the scenes stuff, exclusive videos and support the channel consider becoming a member! / @primetimeaquatics • Also, our new shirts can be found at: https://www.primetimeaquatics.com/merch • For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics • Thanks for watching!