Tutorial How To TAS Super Mario 64 Part 1 Setting up Mupen
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MUPEN64 DOWNLOAD LINK (Updated 05/09/2021): http://repack.skazzy3.com/ • This is part 1 of my (WIP) tutorial series explaining how to create tool-assisted speedruns of Super Mario 64. In this video, I explain how to set up Mupen64 (the emulator primarily used by the SM64 community), ready to explain how to TAS using it in part 2. If something doesn't work as expected, I'd recommend asking for help in one of the Discord servers linked below! • If you don't currently know exactly what a tool-assisted speedrun is, I would recommend watching Sonicpacker's video on the subject, which provides a detailed explanation: • Introduction to TAS: Tool-Assisted Sp... • Part 2, in which I explain the basics of how to create a TAS in Mupen64, will be linked to here in the end-screen, once it's done. If you can't wait that long, check out Sonicpacker's old video on the subject: • Video • And Mario64Masters' old video (which explains how to continue a TAS after you stop recording): • Tips for using Mupen64 (Tutorial) • If you get stuck, feel free to ask for help in one of the Discord servers linked below! • MAIN SM64 COMMUNITY DISCORD SERVERS: (Good places to ask for help if something doesn't work) • • SM64 TASing/ABC (general server): / discord • • TAS Competition server (often more active with more TASers): / discord • • This video was made in collaboration with the TAS Competition and its organisers (of which I am one). Thank you to all involved for motivating me to finally start work on this much-needed series, and for giving me advice helping to make the video as good as possible!