The Conners Season2 – Pilot Lights amp Sister Fights 1
The Conners (Season2) – Pilot Lights Sister Fights #1 • Dan returns to the bar and tells Louise he wants a committed relationship. She says it is too late and is with someone else now. Harris weighs in about Darlene and Ben starting a family together. Darlene thinks Becky and Ben are spending too much time together and wrongly thinks Becky is attempting to steal Ben. Darlene worries if she is unable to conceive that Ben will leave her. Jackie consoles Dan and offers helpful advice about moving on from Roseanne's death. Louise returns and they reconcile. Becky and Darlene make-up. • • Funny story for fun 😝🐼 🎅 • Thanks for watching ! • #AmericanComedy #ComedyCarter • #AmericanComedy #ComedyCarter #Theconners