Principles of Net Radiation


Dr. Bruce Bugbee, president of Apogee Instruments, discusses the history of net radiation measurement and modeling net radiation, and introduces the new Apogee Instruments SN-500 Net Radiometer. The SN-500 is a research-grade, four component net radiometer that is highly accurate and moderately priced. The SN-500 features tiny internal heaters to keep the optics clear of any dew and frost, and measures and displays all-four components of net radiation, outputting the information in SDI-12 format to preserve data-logger channels. For more information visit • VIDEO CONTENT • 00:26 Energy Balance Model-Review of the energy balance model and the role net radiation plays in the model. • 02:10 Modeling Net Radiation-Dr. Bruce Bugbee talks about the evolution of net radiometers and how modeling net radiation may not be the most accurate way to determine net radiation anymore. He discusses studies that took place which can be viewed at and The study concluded that instruments that measure the four separate components of net radiation are the most accurate net radiometers available, and that all the instruments used in the study were more accurate than the model. 09:47 Begins showing data comparing the instruments used in the study to the model. • 10:47 Apogee Instruments SN-500 Net Radiometer Introduction-Now we fast-forward a few more years and because Apogee Instruments has a long history of measuring these parameters Apogee started working on a new design for a net radiometer the incorporated four components into a single instrument and has an intermediate price. • 11:27 Four-component Net Radiometer with SDI-12 Output- The SN-500 is a four-component net radiometer measuring shortwave in, shortwave out, longwave in, and longwave out. All these measurements would have taken up a lot of channels on a data acquisition system that can be used for other things, which is why we made our net radiometer with SDI-12 output. It only takes up three channels on a datalogger. • 12:16 Small size and heated sensors- The SN-500 is small making it easy to level to give accurate measurements. The sensors also have low-power heaters in them to keep them clear of frost, dew, rain, and snow. The heaters require low enough power that they can easily be run on solar powered weather stations. • 13:44 Data taken over alfalfa for 15 months showing the accuracy of the SN-50 compared to the CNR 4 and NR01. • It is cost-effective to measure net radiation as opposed to modeling it on all stations, and in the world of cost-effectiveness we feel that the Apogee net radiometer rally fits a niche for high accuracy and yet moderate cost. • • More information at and • ------- • More videos on the Apogee Instruments SN-500 Net Radiometer can be found at    • Net Radiometer Introduction  . • For more information on the principles behind measuring net radiation, check out these lecture series Energy Balance in Environmental Systems    • Principles of Energy Balance in Envir...   and Environmental Measurements    • Principles of Environmental Measureme...  ! • -------- • Follow us to see all the cool places our sensors are used, get notices for free classes and how to videos, and product announcements! • -Facebook •   / apogeeinstruments   • -Twitter •   / apogeeinst   • -LinkedIn •   / 1084851   • -Instagram •   / apogee_instruments   • -------- • BUY THE SN-500 NET RADIOMETER •


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