The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian Deleted Scenes


All twelve deleted scenes from The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian are offered here. Most of these contribute short bits of exposition; they simply flesh out concepts we already understand and become redundant. We do meet a deleted character called Bulgy Bear, though. Note that the running time includes audio intros from Adamson; he explains where the scenes fit into the film and lets us know why he cut them. • ☞CHAPTERS • Escape 0:00 • This first scene of general Glozelle (Pierfrancesco Favino) almost discovering prince Caspian was intended to increase the tension a little bit. • Apple Orchard 0:52 • In the Prince Caspian book C.S. Lewis mentions an apple orchard that the children planted near their castle gates that has grown and overgrown the castle over time. The scene was originally intended to help establish the idea of how much time had passed. • From The Balcony 1:40 • The original intention of this scene was to show that Miraz was doing what he was doing to secure his child's future and really show another dimension to Miraz's character. • Dryad 2:58 • This scene was to establish that trees were being chopped down and Narnians were being killed. • Aslan's How 3:56 • The original intention for this scene was just to provide a little bit more backstory into Aslan's How. • Trainig Archers 4:30 • Director Andrew Adamson decided to have a sense of an attraction between Caspian (Ben Barnes) and Susan (Anna Popplewell). Adamson had a number of scenes throughout that was just helping to build that relationship. Ultimately he felt that this one was going a little too far. • Leaving For The Raid 6:33 • This is a brief scene that shows the Narnians leaving for the castle raid. It was ment to show how Lucy (Georgie Henley) was very disappointed in Peter (William Moseley). • Breaking In 7:19 • This is a brief moment during the castle raid which was intended to establish a little bit more jeopardy. And help build the relationship between Trumpkin (Peter Dinklage) and the kids. • The Nursery 8:18 • This was just a brief comedic moment during the castle raid, which also was to help explain why the Pevensies got to Miraz's room after Caspian. • Picking Marshalls 8:59 • The pace of the movie at this point didn't really allow for a break like this. So director Adamson felt like he needed to get to the duel between Peter (William Moseley) and Miraz (Sergio Castellitto). • ────────── YOUTUBE ────────── • 🎬 All Chronicles of Narnia Deleted Scenes:    • The Chronicles of Narnia Deleted Scenes   • 🎬 Prince Caspian Deleted Scenes:    • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Casp...   • 🎬 Prince Caspian Behind the Scenes:    • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Casp...   • 🎬 Narnia Behind the Scenes:    • The Chronicles of Narnia | Behind The...   • 🎬Watch our most recent videos:    / @pajasek99   • πŸ”΄ Subscribe for more behind the scene videos:    / @pajasek99   • ────────── SOCIALS ────────── • 🐦Twitter:   / pajasek991   • πŸ“Patreon: • #ChroniclesOfNarnia #PrinceCaspian #DeletedScenes


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