Lordosis Definition
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Lordosis Exercises: https://age2b.com/lordosis-exercises-... • Normally, the lower human spine has a gentle inward rounding, but in some cases, it can be more extreme. This abnormal condition is called lordosis or sway-back. • A forward rounding deformity in the cervical region of the spine is also called lordosis, but it is a very rare condition and does not have important clinical value. The spine is composed of 33 individual bones, in four distinct regions. The bones of the spine are called vertebrae, and each is numbered. • The cervical region of the spine is made up of seven vertebrae, which are designated as C1 through C7. • The lumbar region of the spine is made up of five vertebrae, which are designated as L1 through L5. They provide stability during vertical movement by helping maintain your center of gravity. • The normal human spine is not perfectly straight when it is viewed from the side. The thoracic section has a mild forward curvature, ranging from 20 to 50 degrees. The cervical and lumbar curves are reversed.