Black Desert Online Dark Knight PvP Compilation Vol1 Hellisk
IMPORTANT READ DESCRIPTION!! • Hey there! • First of all, I know it right. The duration of this video is overkill as fuck, but it's been 6 months since I started playing DK and this video is pretty much a summarised of that, so it's like 6 months into 44 mins (trust me I've actually cropped it quite a lot). I also could have made 3 shorter videos instead but well, I've been so lazy... I delayed it way too much... and basically that's how I've ended up stacking 6 months+ videos. So... Well, the real purpose of why I make this kind of compilations is only me, these are kind of memories for me and I DO love to see my progression through all this time, still I share it with friends and why not with whoever who wants to watch it. • ~ In a nutshell, this is a compilation video about how my last 6 months have been, based on Node/Siege wars, RBFs, OWpvp... where you can see my progression at thoses areas. I know I suck quite a lot at the beginning but Idc, it just gets a little bit better everytime, you know. • Having said the above, if you're still willing/wanting to watch it, I propose you to do it in the following way: • 1) Divide the video into 3 parts like if they were 3 different ones so it'd be roughly like 3 videos of ~15 mins each. • 2) Watch every part whenever you feel like. • 3) Enjoy • I'll try to make it even easier right here: • 1 part: 00:00 ~ 15:19 (Introduction: This includes the whole Oldskool time and the very first weeks when I joined to Sovereign) • 2 part: 15:19 ~ 29:54 (Middle: Nothing relevant happens here related to guilds, just a way to divide it) • 3 part 29:54 ~ 44:06 (Ending: From 2 part till the end) • Additional information: • My current gear (it's not the same one through the whole video tho): • Related to Sorceress: I have not rerolled to DK, I'm still a sorceress but using sword instead! Kappa. Jokes aside, the main reason of why I rerolled to DK was because massive pvp as sorc (sieges actually) was not that enjoyable for me so I wanted something else, then it was way more comfortable to stay using DK for all the other stuff due to a few reasons. I didn't sell my sorc's weapon set so I'll be very likely playing it again when rabam/jin skills come out. So as I haven't played Sorc enough to make a proper video but I've been playing DK instead, I couldn't make a new real video as sorc but I did a little compilation which it's old/updated as fuck just for those ones who still would like to see it ( • Black Desert Online - Sorceress Old P... ), it's hidden, not public tho. • Guild related: I've been in Oldskool for 7 months+ (maybe even 8? not sure), Oldskool decided to start a new project but my group of friends which one I initially joined to Oldskool with and me decided to not be part of this new project since pretty much we didn't like it, so we left and been in our old guild for a few days till we made up our minds about what to do. Eventually we decided that Sovereign was the fittest option for us so it became our new home where we have been in for more than 3 months. • 1st clip is from 2nd june 2017 and last ones from 28th december 2017. • Sacks (Hellisk) ~ Sovereign EU