We Finally Got A New Decent Game
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=02BViH97WRs
So i played Outriders on Steam. Not the demo (The actual full game). • its destiny 2.0 lol • Second Channel ➤ @FadeXO • Twitter ➤ / furiousfade • INSTAGRAM ➤ / furiousfade • Epic Games Support A Creator Code ➤ Fade3 • Summary ➤ • I played Outriders on Steam VIA the one and only PC. Tbh I had so many issues getting the game to actually launch cause it kept failing on me. Once i figured out how to fix outriders i played the very boring and extended prolouge for absoulelty no reason. Ended it off there, couldn't get to even play the multiplayer cause i ran out of time. • and for those wondering i picked Trickster for my class out of devastator, technomancer, and pyromancer. I didn't use any gear mods cause i couldn't. • one last thing shoutout to before you buy by gameranx cause he actually kinda had some valid points for me to try this game out!