How to Install Artificial Ivy Panels on a Wooden Fence


Summary notes: • To ensure the proper edging of the existing fence, cut the receivers off the top side of panels. It allows us to get very close underneath the level. • Use screws on the top of the grid, to secure the position. Use the sharp point lath screws (they won't rust). It helps to make adjustments: if you make a mistake, you can screw it out and correct it. • Connect ivy panels row by row. Start from the left to the right, and the next row down. • When all panels are connected, leave it loose, and wait for a day or so. Under the sun, the panels expand. When done, trim panels on the bottom. • Use a heavy-duty staple gun with heavy-duty stainless-steel staples to staple panels in various locations. To avoid unnatural look, pull stems of ivy out of the way and pin the staples directly into the grid. Create a sporadic look by stapling the top stems to hold them in the upright position. Walk the area with a staple gun. • Visit for more info:


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