The Team RAR House is Destroyed


🔥SHOP NOW!!🔥━► • In episode 50 of Carter’s Life, Carter Sharer and Lizzy Capri return from the team RAR vacation. When they arrive home, Carter Sharer and hunter find a mysterious flashing light bulb and suspect there might be something wrong with the townhouse. The next day Matt and Elena find the team Rar mansion destroyed. There was a burst in a pipe and the whole townhouse is flooded. There is a huge bubble in the ceiling. With the help of Bailey Payne, Tanner Witt, Hunter, and friends, Carter Sharer manages to pop the bubble and save the house. Bailey and Cam both fall in the team Rar pool while attempting to walk across on the plank bridge. Ep 50 of carters life ends with Hunter and Carter using Milli Capri to investigate the haunted team Rar house. If you enjoyed this episode of Carters life comment #Carzy #Teamstache • ❇️ MORE EPIC VLOGS ❇️ • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer   / cartersharer   • 📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR   / officialtea.  . • 📘FACEBOOK → CARTER SHARER OFFICIAL • Subscribe to my channel! • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Business Inquiries: [email protected] • WARNING: • This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK. • This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at [email protected]


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