Creating new homes for Hawaii’s endangered seabirds WILD HOPE
All around the world, seabirds provide a critical link between land and sea. On Hawai’i, ecologists are working to protect two vital shearwater species that helped life first take hold across these islands. • While seabirds predominantly reside at sea, they return to land to breed and raise their young. In this process, they deposit mineral-rich nutrients that sustain the whole island ecosystem. But the arrival of human settlers introduced non-native predators and extensive development. Together, these compromised many seabird habitats — and decimated their populations. Several species are now teetering on the brink of extinction. • The Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project engages a multifaceted approach to protect these crucial birds: eliminating invasive predators, restoring native plants, and monitoring burrows for fledgling success. In one instance, they have established a dedicated sanctuary complete with artificial burrows, bird-shaped decoys, and audio speakers to attract one highly endangered shearwater species. Through their efforts, the team gives seabirds a chance to raise the next generation on the very islands they helped bring to life. • Learn more about this story and ways that YOU can get involved in saving your local biodiversity by becoming a Wild Hoper: • Follow us: / wildhopetv • Join our community: • Get our newsletter: • Share this with a friend!