Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru Sangeet Kaur
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chanting led by Sangeet Kaur Khalsa. • This shabad creates miracles and gives you the power to surmount the impossible. • The permutation and combination of sounds in this swaiya are very powerful. • There is no miracle of miracles which cannot be manifested by that one who has a perfect perfection of this shabad. You manifest anything and everything when you recite this shabad... • The world is yours and it shall be based on one line: Hail to Guru Ram Das, and Heal the World. • Health, wealth, prosperity, divinity, dignity, grace, happiness, consciousness, sainthood will follow you. • Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur Jin Siriaa Tinai Savaariaa, Pooree Hoee Karaamaat Aap Siri Jan Haree Dhaariaa. • ~ Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan • • Dhan dhan raam daas gur jin siri-aa tinai savaari-aa • Pooree hoee karaamaat aap sirajanhaarai dhaari-aa • Sikhee atai sangatee paarbrahm kar namasakaari-aa • Atal athaa-o atol too tayraa ant na paaraavaari-aa • Jinee too sayvi-aa bhaa-o kar say tudh paar utaari-aa • Lab lobh kaam krodh mo maar kadhay tudh saparvaari-aa • Dhan so tayraa thaan hai sach tayraa paisakaari-aa • Naanak too lehanaa toohai gur amar too veechaari-aa • Gur dithaa taa man saadhaari-aa • • Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib • Translation: • Blessed, blessed is Guru Ram Das; the One who created You has also exalted You. • Perfect is Your miracle; the Creator has installed You on a throne. • Sikhs as well as all Conscious people recognize You because you manifest the Creator. • You are unchanging, unfathomable and immeasurable; You have no end or limitation. • You are unchanging, unfathomable and immeasurable; • Those who serve You with love are carried across the sea of existence. • The five obstacles of lust, anger, greed, pride and attachment: • You have beaten them and driven them out. • Blessed is Your realm, and True is Your magnificent glory. • You are Nanak, You are Angad, and You are Amar Daas; • When I recognize You, my soul is comforted. • • https://www.sikhnet.com/news/dhan-dha...