GUARANTEED RESULTS FAST !! • Mantra : Om Gyaanam Dhyaanam Shantam Hari • Attraction is the force that makes us desirable to others. It could be a person, a goal, a relationship or anything else that we desire. Aakarshan mantra is a powerful way to make one more attractive and it is in line with today's Laws of Attraction. • Aakarshan mantra is composed of 5 words to make oneself very attractive and to enchant the universal powers.. • 1. Om : Regulates our Chakras to best possible alignment for good energy flow in our Prana or Life forces • 2. Gyaanam or Self-Knowledge : When we get to know more of ourselves, we get to know more of our strengths and faults. Once we know the issues that need to be fixed, we can take care of them. Knowing self first before gaining knowledge about the rest of the world is the first rule of Attraction. • 3. Dhyaanam or Self-Awareness : Being aware about your mind and body's response and reactions to various situations, helps us gain a better insight on self-control. We are able to control anger and anxiety with self-awareness. • 4. Shantam or Peace : One who is peaceful attracts all. Peace improves our Aura. It helps increase our radiance to others. We give out positive vibes when we are peaceful. • 5. Hari or Smile : Smile is intoxicating. It enchants all who come close to you. It enhances mood and energy in Life. • This mantra has tremendous potential to enhance one's desirability. One should listen or chant this daily for atleast 10-15 minutes. You will see a shift in people's behavior towards you soon. You will feel happier and calmer from inside and outside. • Let the attraction begin. • OM • Take your meditation to the next level with 100% original certified Rudraksh Mala 108 beads. • Considered to be a gift of Shiva, Rudraksh Mala has amazing physical and spiritual benefits. • Each Dhyaan-mala is personally energized by DhyaanGuru. • • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ARE YOU READY FOR TRANSFORMATION OF YOUR LIFE ? LOOK NO FURTHER ! • DHYAANGURU is a Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Mentor, Motivator, Doctor and a Spiritual Guide who has helped thousands over the years with Lectures and workshops on Self-Development, Meditation and Mantras. • The healing mantras by Dhyaanguru are not just to provide spiritual benefits, but also to manifest in psycho-physiological healing. They work at the core level of the human system, DNA. The vibrations and frequencies of these powerful mantras have shown tremendous healing properties. Thousands of people have shared their success stories on Youtube. • Let us join together to heal our Mind, Body and Soul with Dhyaanguru ! • LEARN ABOUT DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL,MD : • FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW TO CONNECT WITH DHYAANGURU : YOUR GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL HEALING ! • WEBSITE : • FACEBOOK : / dhyaanguru • YOUTUBE : / dhyaanguru • LINKED-IN : / dhyaanguru • PINTEREST : / dhyaanguru • TWITTER : / dhyaanguru • DHYAANGURU CHARITY: • SPEAKER: DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL, MD, MBA, MHT • ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MANTRAS : • • COMPLETE COLLECTION OF MANTRAS : • • LINKS TO DOWNLOAD MANTRAS : • CDBVABY: • ITUNES: • Email: [email protected] • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • --