Vital Vinyl Vlog Cassette Tape Boxsets Yay Or Nay
Vital Vinyl Vlog: Cassette Tape Boxsets - Yay Or Nay? • (FYI I AM YAY ALL DAY/ SORRY FOR THE CLICK BAITY TITLE) • • Vital Vinyl Vlog: Cassette Tape Boxse... - • SUPPORT THE CHANNEL STARTING AT ONLY ONE DOLLAR A MONTH//AUTOMATICALLY BE ENTERED IN THE MONTHLY CONTEST AND WIN GNARLY STUFF WORTH A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS/EACH EXTRA FIVE DOLLARS GIVE YOU ANOTHER CHANCE TO WIN/ UPDATED DAILY THIRTY TIMES FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT//HAILS: • / vitalvinylvlog - • - • NOW I PERSONALLY LOVE TAPE BOXSETS FOR MULTIPLE REASONS... BUT AFTER SEEING HOW AMAZING THE UPCOMING , BARNES ERA CANNIBAL CORPSE BOX SET LOOKED FOR ONE I DO NOT OWN THE BLEEDING OR TOMB OF THE MUTILATED ANYMORE ON VINYL AS I NEEDED MONEY BUT I HAVE EATEN BACK TO LIFE, AND BUTCHERED AT BIRTH ON TAPE WHEN IT COMES TO THE BARNES STUFF, SO THIS WOULD BE AMAZING TO GET! • SO I TAKE YOU ON A TRIP THROUGH MY PERSONAL FAVORITE TAPE BOXSETS IN MY COLLECTION WHICH IS WHY THE VIDEO IS A BIT LONG, THE IMPRECATION BOX SET IS SUPER GNARLY AND I WANTED TO COMPARE THE LP BOOKLET TO THE BOXSETS... BUT WE LOOK AT EVERYTHING FROM DUNGEON SYNTH BOXSETS WITH MAPS, TO AN ESSENTIAL EARLY , IMMOLATION BOX SET ALSO RELEASED BY TEXAS MANIAXE AT , CORPSE GRISTLE RECORDS AND THIS TAPE BOX SET OF THE BARNES MATERIAL IS 100% ESSENTIAL.. ENJOY TODAYS VIDEO!! • A sick boxset with the first four Cannibal Corpse releases featuring Chris Barnes. All on full color UV printed cassettes, limited to 300 full color boxsets. Boxes are orinted inside and outside (similar to the Immolation boxsets I did a couple years ago). Box includes Eaten Back to Life, Butchered at Birth, Tomb of the Mutilated, and The Bleeding. Comes with all 4 cassettes, a 20 page lyric booklet, a4”x4” sticker, and a killer guitar pick with the CC logo and baby skeleton from the Butchered art. Comes inside a burlap drawstring pouch with screen printed CC logo, each bag is individually splattered and stained so no two are alike. These will be released in October for $66 plus shipping, but you can pre-order for $60 total by sending cash or money orders to Paul Hebert 1405 N Frazier St. B. Conroe, TX 77301. No digital payments for pre-orders. - WE MUST GET THIS FOR THE CHANNEL!! @corpsegristle • / vitalvinylvlog - (Donation Tiers Start At One Dollar A Month and You Are Automatically Entered In The Monthly Contest) • Background Music//Buy: • Necrot- The Labyrinth • - (LIMITED COLOR VINYL AVAILABLE!) • @Tankcrimes • • Vital Vinyl Vlog: Cassette Tape Boxse... -