NEW BERNINA Q Series Sit Down Review Longarm Quilting
Check out the brand new Q16 sit down quilting machine from BERNINA! • Thanks for watching and if you haven't already, make sure to subscribe! • (This video is not endorsed or sponsored by any brands mentioned.) • Welcome to JoanSews! • Those who sew know that sewing is a happy place - it shouldn't feel frustrating, intimidating, or overwhelming. Joan is a business-owner and veteran who has years of sewing and quilting experience. As she always says, if there's an easier, faster way to do something, she will find it and share it with you. So, if you haven't already, hit the subscribe button and let Joan help you find your sewing happy place! • JoanSews • • Hackbeat by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( • Source: • Artist: