How to Make Authentic Sour Cream the Easy Way


Make PROPER Sour cream, and its so easy!!! • 👉Check out the full series right here:    • Glorious Smoked Garlic BUTTER: E+Δ+T EP1   • What to watch next! • 👉 Eating EEL in the Canary Islands:    • WEIRD and WILD in Lanzarote - AirBnFeast   • 👉 Duck Confit, Differently:    • How to make duck confit, with a sous ...   • 👉 Making DUCK BACON:    • Would you try DUCK BACON? I made it! ...   • This is how to make an authentic CULTURED sour cream, the easy way - no mess no fuss! • Here is the recipe: • 1/2 a cup of Buttermilk (or in a pinch, Greek Yoghurt) • 2 Cups of Heavy Cream (35% - though less fat could actually result in a better sour cream - I'm still experimenting with this) • (or a ratio of about 1:4) • Mix in a sterilized jar (boil the jar in water for a few minutes). Cover with a paper towel or muslin cloth, secure with a rubber band. Set on the windowsill and leave for 48 hours. After 48 hours, mix together well with a spoon, put the jar lid on and put in the fridge. It'll solidify even further, and then eventually split (which is good). Keeps in the fridge for about a week or a little bit more, (if it lasts that long - its so good!) • Basically the reason this works is because the bacteria (Lactococcus lactis or Lactobacillus bulgaricus + Leuconostoc citrovorum) and go to town on the cream. It thickens and sours and becomes deeeelicious! • This is probably not the BEST way of doing it (adding pure cultures to the cream would be better), but in terms of getting it done with stuff from the supermarket, this is the way! • Alternate versions use lemon juice or vinegar to get the job done, but it just... isn't the same! • #casterazucar #recipe #sourcream #souredcream #easterneuropeanfood #latvianfood #ediens


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