Esoterigin Primordial 1st CauseHow Thoughts Become EventsMankinds Vegetable OriginCymatics
Modern science claims that all material substance in the universe came from nothing in a single instant, then that raw material eventually “woke up” and became sentient and aware of itself. This is the essence of the “Matter before Mind” hypothesis. However, it doesn’t take a superior intellect to see that what we just described is unavoidably -two miracles in a row. Each one of the two, paradoxically more impossible than the other. • They maintain that this is logical . • -The Esoteric and Theistic world, however, is NOT known for its use of logic when attempting to explain this primary enigma. Mythology, Occult Philosophy and every religious sect to ever cover this topic agree that an eternal never-born Mind exists as the foundation of all things. When IT “thinks”, those thoughts entwine and coagulate so powerfully that they become dense and occur to the universe as matter. This being said, there is no need to explain the second part of the conundrum that is, matter “waking up”, because we indicate that tangible matter is “dreamt of by this eternal, unborn mind. • This is the essence of the “Mind before Matter” hypothesis and it doesn’t take a superior intellect to see this inverted version of the above notion requires far less, so called “miracles” to take place. It might also take the title of logical far better than the previous notion. • -We will be looking at notions like the Hindu Brahma, the Holy Trinity, Ancient Occult Doctrines and Oral Traditions that compare and fit very nicely into alternative modern sciences, to help us get a closer understanding of the greatest mystery of all time... The First Happening. • -- Tulpas is a Tibetan term for a being that is birthed from the mind alone and can go out into the tangible world and affect things. 16th century Magus, Paracelsus wrote of these entities and was known to use them to do his bidding. We will compare the esoteric beliefs of these mystics with what we know about plasma and mental plasticity today and see if we can practice this way of reality control ourselves. And indeed, more people should, because currently this art form is being practiced by a small group of (plausibly) corrupt individuals. • -Comparing the modern science of Cymatics and sound frequency using particular acoustical patterns, to the ancient concept of Mankind's anatomical structure being merged to its environment like a moss or a vegetable, we can find surprisingly clear answers to questions that have haunted religious scholars, theologians and occult scientists for thousands of years. • --History in general is always changing due to new findings; by scholars, archeologists, anthropologists and so on. But the Esoteric account of mankind’s origins has stayed surprisingly consistent. • Even in the face of newer and newer evidence, Esoteric Philosophy and Occult Science seems to only be strengthened by updates. When the world smashes the factory reset button on our cosmic hard drive, leaving us searching for clues as to how we got here and where we are going, the Esoteric stands firm, waiting patiently for us to pay a visit and lend an ear. • Unfortunately, we always feel the need to explain what the Esoteric is, instead of LETTING IT explain itself to us. This hubris is clearly due to backward thinking. Backward thinking that may stem directly from our nonsensical “Matter before Mind” hypothesis. • -But perhaps backward thinking can be used to UNlearn what we have been programmed to think. And so, backward it is… In this episode, let’s go back in time. All the way back in time. • As far back as our human brain will go without breaking down. • ///Links: • -'Book of Wonderful Suffering' by our host Joseph W. Phipps: • • -Reviews: • • -Joey's Music Channel: • / @voidstaresbackofficial • -Music (Song) Downloads and Streams: • • -Support Channel: (Helps more videos get made) • / libraryoftheuntold • #inthebeginning #mindovermatter #brahma #tulpa #secrethistory #cymatics #sinewave #esoteric #mythology #holographicuniverse #libraryoftheuntold #matrix #cosmichistory #cosmic #gnosis