Repotting Renanthera orchid in Orchitop pot


This is the Renanthera philippinensis that I recently purchased from Schwerter Orchideenzucht. It came in a basket with no media, as these orchids have a very similar care requirements as Vanda orchids. • I decided to tryout a potting, since growing Vandas in a pot is possible as long as the media and the pot is very airy. Usually people use clay pots as they are heavy and airy. I have an issue with the roots sticking way too much to the pot, so I though a good solution would be the Orchitop pots. • I added lava rock at the bottom of the pot and in between for some more airiness. I also used more clay pebbles and less bark. I used kiwi bark, since I noticed it is not as water retentive as normal back. • The shape of the pot should offer quite a lot of ventilation and the media should only stay moist fr a few days. This will mean I will not have to water this orchid every day, like my other Vandas. Also I can keep this orchid pretty much wherever I want, since I don't need to hang it. I will keep you updated with its evolution. • Join our community and find tutorials, photos, care sheets and loads of goodies Orchid Nature - • Follow me on Twitter   / missorchidgirl   • Follow me on Instagram   / missorchidgirl   • See what Orchid lovers want to know • How to care for specific Orchids • Easy Orchid how to's • Want some pictures?


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