Poseidon AntiSubmarine Aircraft gets torpedo with wing

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MK 54 lightweight torpedo • The MK 54 lightweight torpedo is the primary anti-submarine warfare weapon used by U.S. Navy surface ships, fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. Designed to operate in shallow waters and in the presence of countermeasures, it can track, classify and attack underwater targets. The MK 54 combines the advanced sonar transceiver of the MK 50 torpedo with the legacy warhead and propulsion system of the older MK 46. It has mass of 276kg, Length of 2.72m and Diameter of 324 mm. It can carry Warhead of 43.9 kg. It has an Operational range of 9.1 km and has a Maximum speed of 74.1 km/h. For guidance it uses Active or passive/active Acoustic homing. • MK 54 lightweight torpedo with wings • When fixed to an Air Launch Accessory (ALA) wing kit, the Mk 54 torpedo can also be released from the P-8A Poseidon from higher altitudes than conventional employment. This Mk 54 – ALA configuration is termed HAAWC i.e. High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability. • HAAWC consists of a modular Air Launch Accessory, or ALA, kit that attaches to a MK 54 torpedo, transforming it into a precision-guided glide weapon. The ALA glides the Mk 54 down to an acceptable altitude. It uses GPS for the guidance and then ALA kit releases the torpedo to an intended torpedo entry point assigned by the aircraft’s combat system. • The HAAWC system has transformed the air-dropped Mk 54 lightweight anti-submarine torpedoes into long-range, quickly delivered standoff weapons. The all-weather HAAWC enables the Boeing P-8A Poseidon to deploy MK 54 torpedoes from near or below its cruising altitude. • As per Boeing, the wing kit it developed for use on 500-pound class JDAM bombs which allows these bombs to glide to targets up to 40 miles away. However, the Mk 54 weighs around 608 pounds, so the expected range could be less. The range also depends upon the speed and altitude of the aircraft releasing the weapons. • On November 22nd, Boeing has announced that its HAAWC has met all the requirements to achieve initial operational capability (IOC) status from the US Navy. • Importance of this development for India • Now, let’s try to understand how is this development important for Indian Navy which also operates the P8-I aircrafts from Boeing for anti-submarine operations. • Back in October 20221, the Indian MoD had signed an agreement with the US Government under Foreign Military Sale (FMS) for procurement of MK 54 Torpedo and Expendable (Chaff and Flares) for the Indian Navy at a cost of ₹ 423 Crores. These weapons are the outfit of P-8I Aircraft which is used for long range Maritime Surveillance, Anti-Submarine Warfare and Anti-Surface Warfare (ASV). • The HAAWC system which is a winged guidance kit can be attached with MK 54 Torpedoes of Indian Navy operating from P-8I aircraft. This will significantly boost the Indian Navy’s capability to engage the Chinese submarines and ships from higher altitude and stand-off distances. •   •   • Join this channel to get access to perks: •    / @indiandefenseanalysis   • **WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN • Most of the pictures clip or BGM included in the Video • Belongs to their Respected Owners and we do not claim rights. • We are using them under following act: • UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT 1976, ALLOWANCE IS MADE FOR FAIR USE FOR PURPOSES SUCH AS CRITICISM, • COMMENT, NEWS REPORTING, TEACHING, SCHOLARSHIP, AND RESEARCH. FAIR USE IS A USE PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT STATUTE THAT MIGHT • OTHERWISE BE INFRINGING. NON-PROFIT, EDUCATIONAL OR PERSONAL USE TIPS THE BALANCE IN FAVOR OF FAIR USE. • Follow us on social media: •   / analysisdefense   • https://indiandefenseanalysis.com/ • ==============THANKS FOR WATCHING!================ • PLEASE LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE: INDIAN DEFENSE ANALYSIS • Music: Eternal Garden - Dan Henig


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